
Andrea Greco

Degree thesis in Architectural Design

Temporary residences and services for the bridge construction sites in the area of Capo Peloro and Viale di Villa S.G. Reggio Calabria

Degree thesis by Andrea Greco

Contact email: [email protected]
Degree in EU Architecture single cycle master program - Faculty of Mediterranean Architecture of Reggio Calabria
Supervisor: Prof. Arch. Ottavio Amaro
Co-rapporteur: Giovanna Falzone
A.A. 2013 - 2014

The theme intends to investigate the possible scenarios and the transformations taking place in the landscape of the Strait with the event linked to the construction of the bridge. It is not intended to express a judgment on the possible construction of this large infrastructure, but only to study the effects that on the strictly disciplinary / architectural level this structure together with all the related works would have on the territory.