Fragility and reconstructions

Fragility and reconstructions. Responses to emergencies

Fragility and reconstructions. Responses to emergencies

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Living for architecture - Events

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22 March 2019


Fragility and reconstructions. The responses to emergencies

Friday 29 March 2019 at 9.30
L’AQUILA, Palazzo dell’Emiciclo, via Michele Iacobucci 4


Beautiful but fragile, the beautiful country is experiencing a continuous emergency due to natural disasters of various origins: floods, instability, landslides, earthquakes and collapses due to neglect. Climate change has caused hundreds of emergencies in the past decade alone; while since 1600 there have been 201 earthquakes with a magnitude equal to or greater than 5.5, or with destructive capacity; on average one every two years, with heavy repercussions on people’s lives and safety and on public spending.

Added to this is the state of alert for the sinister creaking of many senescent infrastructures.

Yet there is no “catastrophe training”, the policies of prevention and safety of the country are only in a nutshell and the pace of reconstruction is still marked by the urgency that always distances us from the matrix of cities and villages and creates long-lasting precarious social ghettos.

The scientific world and that of the public administration in recent years have been questioning the need for a single system of intervention that capitalize on successful experiences to disseminate interdisciplinary collective learning: from urban planning to social, also passing through art, from architecture to the economy, passing through modern construction and considering them as elements with a strong empathic potential in the regeneration of the fragile and exposed anthropic space.

Witnesses of excellence from various disciplines will discuss a L’Aquila, on the tenth anniversary of the 2009 earthquake, to seek a synthesis of the most up-to-date knowledge and outline a ideal intervention model able to break the practice of spot actions that follow such frequent catastrophes, that it can be considered almost a typical Italian product.


Coordinate the work David Parenzo – Journalist of Radio 24, presenter of the program “La zanzara”


Giordano Equizi – President Giovani ANCE L’Aquila
Marco Marsilio – President Regione Abruzzo
Andrea De Leonibus – President Giovani ANCE Abruzzo

Start of work by Linda Karshan live video with the President of the Regional Council Lorenzo Sospiri

Emanuela Giacco – Painter shows “Resistenze”
Roberta Semeraro – Curator of the Nine artists for reconstruction project and of the work of L. Karshan

10.15 PANEL DISCUSSION – Reconstruction or reconstructions? Italy towards a single text.
Adolfo Cicchetti – President ANCE L’Aquila
Salvo Provenzano – USRA Coordinator of the Special Reconstruction Office of the Municipality of L’Aquila
Raffaello Fico – USRC Coordinator Special Office for Reconstruction of the Municipalities of the Crater 2009
Gianluca Vacca – Undersecretary of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage with responsibility for the reconstruction of monuments
Vito Crimi – Undersecretary of the Council Presidency with responsibility for reconstruction
Angelo Borrelli – Head of National Civil Protection
Pietro Baratòno – Provider of Public Works Lombardy and Emilia Romagna
Fabio Andreassi – Urban Planning Commission Coordinator ANCE L’Aquila

12.00 PANEL DISCUSSION – Fragile infrastructure?
Federico De Cesare – Vice president ANCE Nazionale
Andrea Margaritelli – President IN/ARCH
Luca Zevi – Vice President IN/ARCH
Rosario Pavia – Urban planner
Paolo Desideri – ABDR study
Lorenzo Tedeschi – Cortexa / Irene Network
Stefano Cianciotta – President of the National Infrastructure Observatory of Confassociations

Gabriele Buia – President ANCE Nazionale
Danilo Toninelli – Minister of Infrastructure and Transport (to be confirmed)
Regina De Albertis – President ANCE Giovani Nazionale

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