Pier Paolo Picarelli
Degree thesis in Architectural Design
Redevelopment of the area of Porta Portese, Pontifical Arsenal, Corderie, Salt Warehouses
Thesis by Pier Paolo Picarellie-mail: [email protected]
University of Roma "La Sapienza"
Faculty of Architecture "Valle Giulia"
Thesis supervisor: Prof. Stefano Sbrana
A.A. 2004 - 2005
The former Pontifical Arsenal located in Via Portuense is inserted in an area of particular historical and artistic interest, in the Ripa Grande insula, inside the XVI Municipality of the Municipality of Rome.
In this area, on the banks of the Tiber, we find the San Michele complex, the former Apostolic Hospice, the Porta Portese built in 1644 during the works for the new fortified walls, the Papal Walls and the port of Ripa Grande.
This area was once considered a periphery while today it is perfectly incorporated within the city.
The former Arsenal was completed under the pontificate of Clement XI in 1715.
The building was active for the construction and repair of small boats of the commercial fleet for about two centuries, currently it is used for the resale of building materials while the rear is occupied by bicycle dealers.
This destination took place spontaneously over time without precise regulation. The area is in a state of decay and the relationship between the land and the River Tiber has been lost over time.
The aim of the project is the recovery of existing buildings, such as the Ex Arsenale, the Corderie and the Salt Warehouses, the enhancement of the area with uses that are compatible with the existing buildings.
A restyling operation that has as its purpose the arrangement of the place and its relationship with the river and the possibility also to re-evaluate an area that was once green and beautiful and where today a series of activities are condensed, many of which are non-regulatory.
Pier Paolo Picarelli
Category Pier Paolo Picarelli