
Scaffolding for construction

Scaffolding with innocent pipes and joints

Example photographs of a steel scaffolding with pipe and joint system, scaffolding patented in 1935 by the inventor Ferdinando Innocenti (Dalmine Innocenti Tubular Scaffolding), very versatile and suitable for any type of use. A standard scaffolding, in order to be built and used, must be in possession of the Ministerial Authorization and the safety devices provided for in the Assembly, Use and Disassembly Plan (PIMUS). In particular, by law it must have:

  • Wall anchors
  • Parapets
  • Suitable prefabricated grasshoppers
  • Steel toe boards
  • Stairs
  • Boarded up in steel
  • The gap between the internal edge of the deck and the building must not exceed 20 cm
  • Stone guard element capable of intercepting the fall of the material from above
When carrying out the assembly, it is necessary to make sure that the support surface has adequate stability to support the weight of the entire scaffolding structure in order to create easy conditions for the construction of subsequent floors. During the assembly / disassembly phases of the scaffolding, the employer, through the continuous supervision exercised by the person in charge, must ensure that the general prevention and protection measures established by law are respected (use of harnesses and fall arrest systems, anchor points, gloves, shoes, protective helmet, etc.) and the specific ones provided for in the Assembly, Use and Disassembly Plan. In particular, it must always be ensured that the harness of the operator assigned to assembly / disassembly is always tied to an anchoring point positioned at a height higher than that at which the operator is working in order not to frustrate the use of the protection system. fall arrest.      The Assembly Use and Disassembly Plan (Pi.M.U.S.) is a mandatory document in all construction sites where the use of a scaffolding (or passageway) is necessary. This is established by article 134 of the Legislative Decree 9 April 2008, n. 81 which also establishes the minimum contents and the necessary prescriptions. The Pi.M.U.S. was introduced in 2003 with Legislative Decree no. 253 when Law 626/94 was still in force, now abolished by the consolidated text on safety at work 81/2008 The regulations have established a series of plans for the protection of workers Operational Safety Plan (P.O.S.), Risk Assessment Document (D.V.R.), etc. which oblige the employer to draw up and sign and inform workers of the risks described therein. Source: Wikipedia