The figure of the Construction Site Safety Coordinator

The continuous training of this professional figure is essential

The figure of the Construction Site Safety Coordinator

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Tips in a nutshell

Published on

03 February 2021

Legislative Decree 81/2008 provides for the obligation of a 40-hour refresher course for the Safety Coordinator on temporary or mobile construction sites, both in the design and execution phases. The continuous training of this professional figure is in fact fundamental.

How often should you update?

The 40 hour update must occur every five years. Every time a refresher course is held, the professional is in good standing for the following five years.

Failure to update the safety coordinator

If the safety coordinator does not carry out the update, he will no longer be able to actively operate on construction sites. The only positive thing (in the worst case scenario) is that the charge does not expire if the update is not achieved. The coordinator will in fact be suspended until the conclusion of the training.
As soon as the course is completed, the professional will immediately be able to return to work as construction site safety coordinator.

The importance of a training course to avoid risking suspension

An online safety refresher course on temporary and mobile construction sites and in the design phase allows any figure present on the construction site and, in particular, the important figure of the Safety Coordinator, to keep up to date on the latest regulations and related decrees to this delicate area, including all the Covid-19 anti-contagion rules to be adopted mandatorily. This course aims to allow Safety Coordinators to fulfill their legal obligation by simply presenting the final certificate of participation as self-certification. The courses are aimed at both Safety Coordinators and those qualified as ASPP and RSPP, including employers.

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