Urban street lamps design

Some designers have some ideas about it

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18 December 2020

Street lights are such a ubiquitous part of the urban landscape that most of us don’t even notice their presence. What if it suddenly became a priority to improve the aesthetics, functionality and environmental footprint of our streets?
Some designers have some ideas about this.

ENERGYME Led Street Lamp by Dido Studio

When it comes to “green” and “Eco friendly”, people always think of solar energy. Instead, focusing on the places where people always put their eyes up, this LED street lamp combines public fitness facilities with LED street lights. Together they not only save energy through storing human kinetic energy, but also bring people out of their homes to join the global green movement by improving their health.

Example of urban street lamps: ENERGYME Led Street Lamp by Dido Studio

As a commercially available product, the renewable street lamp from Urban Green Energy has already proven that off-grid lighting is possible.
Dual-powered street lights use both wind and solar energy to turn on the lights that illuminate streets, parking lots and walking paths. Built-in battery keeps each light for 3-5 days in case the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow.
As an added incentive to businesses looking to add this type of eco-friendly light to their properties, the street lights also include extensive advertising space.

Example urban street lights: dual-fuel street lights using wind and solar energy. Urban Green Energy


A sidewalk sculpture by day and a super-efficient streetlight by night, the Windtulip is a great example of one of the many changes we can make in our public areas to achieve environmental sustainability. Harnessing the power of the wind, the compact turbines generate and transmit energy from the transformer to the battery before the lamp’s light sensors activate the LED.

Example of urban street lamp design: SUSTAINABLE STREETLAMP. Designer: Mebrure Oral

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