Training credits for architects

Why are they so important?

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Software and Training

Published on

29 June 2023

Credits for architects: why are they so important?

Continuing education has entered into force, as for other professional categories, also for architects. For almost 4 years now (precisely from 15 December 2016) the CNAPPC, the National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators, has issued the guidelines for updating and compulsory professional development for all professionals enrolled in the register of architects.
Every three years, architects must accumulate 60 professional training credits, of which at least 12, compulsorily, from refresher and professional development activities on the issues of ethics and ordinistic disciplines. The training obligation starts from 1 January of the year following the first registration on the order.
Training and updating activities are aimed at:

  • safeguard the interest of the community and the expectations of clients;
  • protect architectural quality by refining the technical and professional competence of both employees and freelancers;
  • advance both the freelancer and the employee in the study and cultural, technical and scientific study for a quality professional exercise;
  • make professional updating and development activities accessible to all, trying to contain costs.

Although it is recommended to all members of the register and is essential for the continuation of the work, continuing education is not mandatory for those enrolled over twenty years in the register and over 70 years of age.
There are also other cases in which it is possible to request exemption from the activity:

  • maternity, paternity and adoption (the training requirement in these cases is reduced by 20 CFP, of which 4 for ethics and ordinistic disciplines);
  • serious illness or injury (in the event that they lead to an interruption of business for at least six consecutive months);
  • full-time university professors (be they full-time professors, associates or researchers);
  • members who do not practice the profession, provided that their inactivity has lasted for three consecutive years;
  • impediment deriving from force majeure (exceptional situations that must in any case be properly documented).

What is the result of failing to obtain 60 training credits?
Professionals enrolled in the register who do not obtain the necessary number of training credits at the end of the three-year period are punishable by two different penalties:

  • censorship;
  • suspension.

The complaint applies when the lack of credit is equal to or less than 12 CFP, it is a formal declaration in which the default is notified.
The suspension, on the other hand, is applied in the event that the lack exceeds 12 CFP and entails for the defaulting architect a cessation of professional practice whose duration is proportional to the number of missing credits.

How to get professional training credits?
Take CNAPPC certified GoPillar Academy courses to get the credits you need!
For you, dear Archweb reader, 60% discount is waiting for you using the code ARCHWEBCREDITI.
What are you waiting for?  Find all the courses at the following link.


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